Selected Notions Sewing Box · MERCHANT & MILLS

Merchant & Mills

Founded by Carolyn Denham & Roderick Field, Merchant & Mills aims to bring style and purpose to the overlooked world of sewing. From trade to home and dressmaking, they seek to enable and inspire more people to find satisfaction in simply making.

This is manifest in their three instructive, illustrated books; their collection of patterns inclusive of both the novice and expert sewer; their expertly made sewing tools and notions; and their gorgeous line of fabrics -- both designed by them and made in the UK, as well as a collection of unique finds from all over the world.

Merchant & Mills has collaborated with London's V&A Museum and Alexander McQueen, and their products are stocked in the most respected outlets around the world. We are so proud to be one of them.

Bio & photos via Merchant & Mills.